Software engineering is full of highly opinionated people. I mean just look at how many blogs you can follow...each of which are just another opinion to take into consideration. But I feel like many opinion-wars devolve into an individual engineer's choice of IDE/editor/terminal...a.k.a "Tools of the Trade".

The age old Vim vs. Emacs has evolved into IntelliJ vs Eclipse vs Sublime vs Atom vs notepad for all I care. You can crate software in almost any IDE/text editor (except iOS...don't get me started)...but really the most important part is being comfortable.
If I give any advice it would be learn the your tool. Anyone can learn the basics of programming in a particular language but being efficient and productive only comes after you become hyper familiar with your choice of tool. How does one drop a break point, how do you open a specific file, how do you pull up a call do you comment a chunk of code (I hate comments btw). No matter what language or which IDE, you should become familiar with all of the above without touching the mouse.

If you've ever seen someone at the keyboard who knows their IDE intimately you'll quickly appreciate how much work they can get done with such little effort. It's crazy how many shortcuts exist. I've been using some sort of Eclipse variant for over 7 years now and I'm still learning. Only until recently did I learn about "command + 3" (yes I use a back to earlier iOS comment)'s the gateway to any shortcut...and speeds up any taks: extracting constants, extracting methods and even switching perspectives.

Languages will come and go but the tools of the trade will adapt and keep you efficient for years to come. Learn one really well and slowly become adequate on the others. Don't let something small like an IDE slow you down from being great at your job.

If you were wondering...I prefer STS (Spring Tool Suite) for Java, Visual Studio Code for JavaScript and Sublime for anything else.